Georgia turned 4 months old yesterday and she has started eating some baby food. We started with just plain cereal but she didn't like it too much. Per Aunt Holly, we decided to mix the cereal with pears and she loves it! Here she is eating and she totally got the hang of it quickly!

She wasn't as messy as I expected her to be. She opens up wide and doesn't spit much out!

After she ate she just passsed out! I have never seen her fall asleep so fast! I think I am going to have a good eater on my hands. I will keep you posted on how she likes other foods!
lain...i miss you! georgia is BEAUTIFUL! i love looking at all the pictures of her. i can't tell if she looks more like you or more like tatum. how is life? is it hard working now that you have her? does tatum just love her?
LAIN! The middle pic of these three looks totally like you! It's by far the most I've seen of you in her...So glad Georgia liked the pears...We added peaches last night...JoAnna liked 'em, but she sure would rather be lazy and drink instead.
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